Monday, June 8, 2020

The Police State and BLM

As a Conservative Libertarian, my opinion is that Government should only  do 3 things: 1) protect my (and my family)person, 2) protect my Property Rights and 3) enforce contracts.  I don't want or need the government to do anything else.

With that said, it is clear the "State," government and the police (including the alphabet agencies-FDA, FCC, FTC, USDA, EPA, IRS, etc....) have entirely way too much power.  Whether it be the police murdering an unarmed black suspect, or no-knock raids, or swat teams arresting white collar crime suspects at 5 am, there are multiple examples of police abusing their power.  Government agencies like the FDA raiding research labs and confiscating documents, computers, lab samples and destroying valuable research.  Waco?

What happened to George Floyd should never happen to anyone of any color in this country, period! 

What happened to Roger Stone and Gen. Flynn should never happen in this country either.

Cops spraying seated protesters, assaulting peaceful protesters is absolutely wrong and should never happen.  Rioters and looters-fair game.

If there is a systemic problem it is not racism, but rather the hunger of absolute power.  To be judge, jury and executioner.  Maybe too many Dirty Harry movies?  This is becoming a more and more serious problem that must be dealt with.

The message of BLM is appropriate to a point.  Yes, the media has hyped the white cop killing the black man.  It is the classic premise of journalism, if a dog bites a man, no one cares.  But if a man bites a dog, it's headline material.  Because it is rare and unexpected.  Based on actual statistics, a white cop killing a black man is a "man bites dog" scenario.  Statistically, it is a very rare event.  Yet when it does happen, it becomes national headline news.  Don't get me wrong, it should never happen.

BLM and Collin Kaepernick protest the police killing black men, suggesting systemic racism.  I get it, and, yes it should be protested.  However, if they really cared about "Black Lives" they are going about it completely wrong.  Where and how they protest, is not reaching the appropriate target.

A black male victim of homicide is 90 times more likely to be killed by another black male than a white individual.  Cops (of all races) kill less than 5% .  If BLM really was interested in saving black lives, they should be where the killing actually is taking place.  Chicago, D.C., Baltimore, Detroit, etc...  I saw someone post a comment on BLM being similar to "Save the Whales."  Great cause, but if you do a Save the Whale protest on Lake Michigan, you're missing the target.  Unfortunately, BLM protesting where they are, is missing the target.

Here is an interesting paradox.  Socialists/leftists are typically the ones most passionate about reigning in the cops and supporting the protests (including the rioters and looters).  But in order for their socialist agenda to become a reality, they must have a very powerful police force.  Can't have socialism, democratic or otherwise without a strong police force to ensure the socialist agenda is followed.  Everyone must conform.

Another issue brought up as part of the "Systemic racism," is the disproportionate number of black incarcerated.  My question is, did they commit the crimes?  If so, why?  Most will point to poverty, poor education, lack of jobs and no male role models for young black males as root causes of higher crime.  I agree.  If you look back at my previous post on what is oppressing blacks, you will see those oppressors are contributing to higher crime rates.  And, yes the justice system is in need of a good cleanse.  Rich white people do seem to be getting lighter sentences for more serious crimes.  I smell corruption on multiple levels.

We have a lot of problems to fix, but focusing efforts on the wrong targets will not help.  As we are seeing, focusing on wrong targets builds resentment and tarnishes the message. 

Friday, June 5, 2020

Are Blacks and Other Minorities Oppressed?

The short answer is yes.  But probably not how you think they are.

What is Oppression?

Essentially, limiting freedom, restricting or prohibiting activity.  When we think of Oppression, we think of slavery, Jim Crowe, segregation, color barriers, ....

If we compare today with the early 1960's, there is a considerable difference in society as a whole with regards to race relations.  Are there still issues? Absolutely.  There are pockets of racism, but systemic racism is not true. 

Slavery, gone for over 150 years. Segregation, gone for well over 50 years. 

Do blacks have the same opportunities as whites?  Let's look. 

Economics; There are plenty of blacks that have succeeded in wealth, CEO's, business owners, etc...

Politics;  No poll tax or voter restriction (NO, voter ID does NOT suppress the black vote!!!!).  Blacks have been elected to public office for well over 100 years.  I even understand we recently had a black president.  No oppression in politics.

Sports and Entertainment;  Color barrier was broken long ago.  Some of the most successful athletes and entertainers are black.  No Oppression there.

Advanced Education; Blacks have been openly admitted to colleges and universities for years.  And even teach!  No Oppression there.

If these people can succeed in society, where is the "Oppression?"

People will point to high incarceration rates for blacks, fear of being stopped by white police officers, and lack of job opportunities.

There is oppression, and here is where it is:

Poor Education due to lack of school choice.  Blacks and inner-city youth do not have an opportunity to choose the education they need to compete in the real world.  They are stuck in crappy public schools, being taught only what the "State" allows you to know. 

This is the number one problem that must be addressed.  Why does the left believe black parents are incapable of deciding what is best for their children?  Open up school choice,and give these kids a chance to get out of the hood or projects and better themselves!

The poor education leads to poor jobs if any, higher crime, drug use, and single parenthood.  Fixing the education problem will make a huge improvement.

Number two, minimum wage.  Minimum wage was introduced to keep women and minorities OUT of the workforce.  Low and unskilled workers cannot get jobs if the wage is more than the job is worth.  Minimum wage keeps entry level workers out of work.  No experience is gained, no opportunity occurs.

Number three, dependence on welfare and the inability to get off the system.  Can't get a job with growth opportunity, you'll lose your benefit check.  Can't get married if a single mom, you'll lose your benefit check,....  The welfare system needs to be revised to give a temporary assist and not punish, but reward those that try to get off the system.

Number four, the Genocide/Eugenics disguised as a "Health Care/Reproductive Care Center."  Yep, Planned Parenthood.  Founded by the evil maniac Margret Sanger to keep "undesirables (blacks) from reproducing."  Abortion is disproportionately done on black women and most Planned Parenthood clinics are in black neighborhoods. 

When we look at these four oppressors of the black community, it is evident that the left wants to oppress blacks, as they support and champion these programs.  LBJ was right when he finally realized the Civil Rights Bill with the New Deal would give the democrats a vehicle to keep the blacks on the "plantation" and under their control.  "We pass this and we'll have those n********s voting democrat for the next 200 years." (Lyndon Johnson-presidential record).

Yes, Oppression still exists, but in the form of democrat policies designed to keep control over the black population.  You now know the problem, it can be fixed.