Sunday, December 28, 2008

Healt Care Costs

This is an article I wrote for the Appleton Post-Crescent a couple years ago. Not much has changed yet. Enjoy and please feel free to post a comment.

Rising Health Care Costs-
Real Solutions to the Problem

Rising health care costs is a complex issue that has brought several “Band-Aid” approaches to fix. The primary focus has been the high number of un-insured and programs to provide health insurance to these approximately 40 million un-insured. A national health care plan, association health plans and managed care have been tossed around for several years. None of these programs offer any solution to our health care “crisis.”

To truly understand the health care problem, we must analyze and evaluate our current system much the same way we evaluate any other product or service. Is the current service meeting the needs of the people, and is it cost effective? Upon review, our current health care system is a dismal failure!

Every year more than $6000 is spent on health care for every man, woman and child in America. More than twice as much as any other developed country in the world spends. But what are we getting for this hefty price? The United States ranks 22nd out of 23 industrialized nations (just ahead of the Czech Republic). According the World Health Organization, we rank 37th in health performance and 72nd in efficiency. In the words of Julian Whitaker, M.D., “We are paying the most to be the worst.”

Why is our system so expensive, yet poor in keeping people healthy? There are four main culprits for this situation. And unless all four of these are changed, our health care costs will continue to rise and we will become a sicker nation.

1) Multi-national Pharmaceutical Companies. These corporate giants are the number one cause of poor health and high costs. In his book, Overdosed America, John Abramson, M.D. points out the primary mission of the drug corporations is to make money on the latest drugs. These newly patented “wonder drugs” are pitched to doctors and the public as remarkable advancements. Every third commercial on TV is for a drug! The reality is, older, less expensive drugs are usually just as good. In fact, from 1995 to 2000, only 13 percent of the new wonder drugs contained new ingredients or were significantly better than the older drugs.

This explains the high cost, but even more disturbing is the adverse effect on health these new wonder drugs have. Side effects of these new drugs are fueling the need for even more expensive medications. For every one dollar spent on prescription drugs, we spend $1.30 taking care of the side effects. Some even believe drug companies develop drugs to cause problems that are treated with other drugs they manufacture. For example, the maker of Prozac is also the largest producer of diabetes drugs. Is it really just a coincidence that one of the main side effects of Prozac is pancreas damage (the pancreas produces insulin)? Or the fact most pain relievers for arthritis cause destruction of the cartilage between joint, making the arthritis worse.

What a great scam! These companies provide the “research,” advertise to the public, “You need to ask your doctor about…” and get respected doctors to prescribe their products; no questions asked! We, the gullible public, blindly follow this advice. After all, the TV ad said I needed this.

2) Multi-National Food Companies. We spend 90 percent of our food dollars on processed foods. Processed foods are devoid of nutritional value and deteriorate our health. For years, there has been a push to raise the RDA’s of vitamins and minerals to a more realistic amount. The current RDA’s are woefully inadequate for optimal health, but the food industry has blocked every attempt to raise the RDA’s. Of course if the RDA’s were to be raised, they couldn’t advertise their cereal as having 100 percent of the vitamins and minerals you need.

3) Government Agencies. The FDA and CDC are corrupt. Both agencies policy and decision makers have financial and/or employment ties to pharmaceutical companies. Is it any wonder, dangerous drugs are allowed on the market when evidence shows them to be very dangerous (Phen-Fen, Vioxx, HRT, Prozac….)? Who is looking out for you!

4) Lack of Personal Responsibility. If you eat processed food, don’t get enough sleep and exercise and blindly follow the advice of doctors, you are a problem in the rising cost of health care. If you live your life under the assumption you can abuse and destroy your body, and the white coated gods will give you a magic pill or miraculous surgery to restore your life, you are part of the problem! If you are not willing to make the effort to improve your health, you have absolutely no right to complain about rising health care costs.

In my 16 years of clinical practice, I have observed people without health insurance versus those with “good” insurance. I have found the un-insured were usually healthier. They knew they could not afford to get sick, so they did everything they could to improve their health. They ate more fresh, whole foods, exercised regularly, and followed my recommendations closer. With “good” insurance, there was no incentive to be healthy. Someone else will pay for my illness.

To fix the rising health care cost problem will not be easy and will not happen overnight. Major changes in policy and personal attitude will need to be implemented. A ban on direct marketing to consumers by drug companies is a must. A complete overhaul of the FDA and CDC is in order. No ties to drug companies can be allowed. Period! All research on drugs must be done in the public sector. Currently, in drug company research, poor results are not published, thus every study appears to show the drug is safe.

And finally, greater personal responsibility for our own health is imperative. Become involved in your health care. Don’t blindly follow the advice of your doctor. Doctors are human and make mistakes. Ask questions, are other, less expensive drugs an option. What about nutritional or other alternative therapies. Understand that you have a direct control of health care costs. Learn from the un-insured, if you can’t afford to get sick, you better do everything you can to get healthy.


Ronald Fischer, D.C., C.C.S.P., C.S.C.S. is the president and clinic director of NEWCARE Integrated Health Services, S.C. in Menasha. Dr. Fischer can be reached for comment via e-mail

Monday, December 22, 2008

Let it snow, let it snow

I like snow, but this is getting rediculous. Eight inches here, ten inches there and it is only December. I can't wait until the snowy season of February and March roll in.
Imagine that, we elect Barack Obama, and Global Warming has been solved!
Which brings me to the real topic of today's blog entry...The Global Warming Myth!
You read that right, Global Warming (GW) is one of the biggest hoaxes ever portrayed. The so-called Theory is at best, nothing more than someones guess. We have no way of knowing what the average temperature was 200 years ago, 500 years ago, 1000 years ago.... We do know that the earth did warm over the last 100 million years, otherwise we would still be under a 2 mile high sheet of ice. The earth warms and cools in natural cycles. There is no way human activity can have an effect on global temperatures.

I read a neat story this last summer ( I can't recall where I read it from) about a village in the Swiss mountains. They were concerned that GW was causing a glacier on one of the mountains to melt. When the glacier melted back, the villagers found a cave in the mountain. In the cave they found tools (picks, shovels,hammers...). It was a working silver mine dating back to the mid 1400's. Apparently, every spring the glacier would melt, opening up the cave and the villagers would mine all summer. Winter would come and close the cave with snow. One cold spring, and the glacier did not melt, until this year. Are we in the midst of a 600 year cycle?
While I do believe in conserving energy, recycling and reducing emissions; we must do them because it is the right thing to do. Not because if we don't the ice caps will melt and flood the earth. I've heard this story since the early 1970's. In grade school, I recall a text book with an artist rendering of New Yok by the year 2000. It depicted the Statue of Libery under water, with just the crown and torch above water. It's 2009 and Lady Liberty is high and dry.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Girls Soccer

I just started a new project, I am writing an E-Book on coaching girls soccer. I have had the privilege of coaching my daughters for the last 11 years, and have learned a lot about the special needs one has to have to coach girls. I will be writing several chapters on physical training, dealing with emotional issues, playing time, special items to have handy in the coaches bag and other topics. I also plan to enlist the help of several local top women's coaches I have also had the privilege to work with, in guest writting a few chapters. I have given myself a May 1 deadline. I'll keep you posted on the progress.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Burning pain in the neck and shoulder

Do you suffer from "Mouse Shoulder?"
We have all heard of Tennis Elbow, Jumpers Knee, etc..., but Mouse Shoulder?
This is a term I coined after noticing a very common trend of neck, shoulder and upper back pain (usually a burning pain) from people who use computers a lot at work and home. While using a keyboard can lead to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, I have found that using the mouse can lead to the above symptoms. Most cases involve female patients, but I do see some male patients with similar complaints. Mouse Shoulder usually develops when computer users have the mouse out in front too far, the right arm has to reach forward to use the mouse. This motion causes the shoulder to move forward in the socket and rotate inward. The pectoralis (large chest muscle that brings the arm across the body) is very powerful and will shorten with repetitive reaching forward. As the pectoralis shortens and the shouder moves forward, the muscles along the scapula (shoulder blade) become stressed, as do the muscles from the shoulder blade to the neck become stressed. Over time, these stressed muscled develop scar tissue adhesions (think gristle), which further stress these muscles and lead to the burning pain. Left uncorrected, this will lead to rotator cuff damage, arm weakness, numbness and arthritic changes.

What to do; first give me or your local chiropractor a call for an evaluation. Secondly, make sure your elbow stays next to your side while using your mouse, don't reach forward. Thirdly, take a break every 30-45 minutes and do some shoulder blade squeezing exercises (put hands behind head and pull elbows back while squeezing shoulder blades together). Ice at the end of the day and heating it up in the morning should help.

I am seeing more and more of this condition, so spread the word and keep your fellow co-workers healthy and happy.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Future Plans

I've been neglecting this blog for too long now, and I will be taking time to post much more frequently. I plan on doing a case review of any special patients (names will be withheld as per HIPAA rules) and their outcomes. One of the greatest aspects of my profession is seeing a wide variety of health complaints. Some of my patients have seen multiple doctors/therapists/healers with no results, and come to see me as a last resort. I love these challenging cases. To see someone who has been in pain for years, get their life back after a few adjustments is the greatest reward any doctor/healer could ever ask for. I want to share some of the "Miracles" I have seen in my nearly 20 years of practice.

Stay tuned! I'll be posting 1-2 per week along with other thoughts and comments on events in my life.