Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Flu Shots Available on Every Corner!

It's that time of year again. Media blitz of "Get Your Flu Shot!" Every pharmacy has a little station set up to quickly jab and go. Once again, I just shake my head in utter amazement. Especially this year.

For the first time in flu shot history, the same version of the previous season is being used. One has to wonder, if the shot actually works, why would one have to get it again this year?

A recent study out on Minnesota touted a whopping 60% effectiveness rate. But when you read the study, only 1.5 people out of 100 vaccinated will get the flu. Sounds great, until you read further and find out only 2.5 people out of 100 un-vaccinated will get the flu. In essence, for every 100 shots given out (at over $30 a shot) only one more person will be spared from the flu. (the 1.5/2.5 is where the 60% number comes from)

Some things to think about:
If the flu shot actually works, it would protect you from 3 specific strains of the flu, that's it. No protection from pneumonia, colds, flu-like illness or any other strain of flu.

While Vit D and healthy living habits will prevent all strains of the flu, pneumonia, colds and flu-like illnesses (with NO side-effects).

The choice is yours (make an informed one). Take your chance with a shot and hope you are the one in one hundred that gets spared the flu, or skip the shot and practice good healthy habits.

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