My office has, of course, the standard "health care office" decorations. Magazine rack and educational posters in the reception room, diplomas on the wall, etc.... But in my Patient Education Room I have some very interesting "Props".
I have Silly Putty, several bent and rusty bolts and nuts, rubber bands, a bowling ball....But my favorite Prop is an actual tire from one of my cars!
Why on God's Green Earth would a doctor have an old worn out tire in his office (not to mention the rusty bolts, but that is a subject for a future post)? Remember, this is my patient education room. Any good teacher will tell you, if you can get your "Students" to ask questions, they learn better. I don't bring up the tire subject for everyone, and it is really fun to watch people look at the tire, wonder about it, then finally get up the nerve to ask about it.
"What's with the old tire?" Well, you will notice a distinct wear pattern, this is a symptom, much like a headache or back pain. If you treat the symptom by replacing the tire only, what would happen later? Of course, the new tire will quickly wear out like the old one. That is why we must address the underlying "Alignment" problem to fix this symptom. The lightbulb really pops on about now!
Understanding that just covering up a symptom with medication, does not actually fix anything and the symptom will return until the underlying alignment problem is fixed.
Got a symptom? Get your alignment checked!
Love to hear your comments or questions, leave a note!
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