Wednesday, January 7, 2009


In my treatment rooms, I have a white board that has little sayings or phrases designed to stimulate conversation. This week, "Titanic" is the word on the board. What does the Titanic have to do with health care?

The question is, What sank the Titanic? Most normal people answer correctly with it hit an iceberg. But I have received some unusual responses this week, including a "Big Hole in the boat" and my favorite from an engineer, "It failed to weigh less than the water it displaced." While those answers are technically correct, the iceberg response is what I am looking for.

As far as the iceberg is concerned, which part sank the Titanic; the part you could see, or the part under water you couldn't see? Of course the answer is the hidden part under the water. Which like most health conditions, it is the part you don't see (no symptom) that sinks you.

Diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer and others, do not have obviious symptoms, but can be very deadly. So be sure to get regular check-ups and do everything you can to stay healthy. Regular chiropractic adjustments, getting plenty of rest, exercise and good nutrition are vital to good health.

Enjoy the new year and have a healthy 2009.

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