I was quite an active athlete in high school (still am), ten letters in three sports. One of the sports I participated in was wrestling. My high school had a very strong wrestling program and benefited from great alumni support. Former wrestlers would actually come to our practices and work out with the current team. Being a heavyweight, I got to practice against all these alumni. Some included former state champions, Pan-Am Games medalist and other great wrestlers. These guys would "tag-team" me every practice. Getting your butt kicked every day really made a difference at match time.
My Junior year, we had a lot of alumi come to practices. During one of our take-down drills, I landed on the left side of my neck and shoulder. I felt an immediate "electric" shock go from my neck all the way down to my left hand and thumb. I had no strength and could not move or feel my arm. The feeling that did come back was an intense burning sensation. My coach suggested I see a chiropractor for this. I had never been to one before, but I remember my younger brother had seen the "Firecracker" for a neck injury from pulling off a ski mask.
The injury happend on a Tuesday, and I was able to see the chiropractor on Wednesday. I received an examination, x-rays were taken, and the doctor rubbed some "smelly" ointment on my neck, shoulder and upper back. He adjusted my neck, back, hand, elbow and shoulder. I felt immediate relief. I could move my arm, the numbness and tingling was almost gone. The only thing that remained was the tingling in the tip of my left thumb. I saw him again on Friday and the thumb tingling was gone.
Now that weekend, we were to wrestle in the Valley City Tournament. I had a slow start to the year, barely over .500 and was not expected to do very well in this tournament. Going in unseeded, I pinned my first opponent (first seed) and my second opponent to move to the finals. After leading 6-2 in the finals, I made a mistake and got turned and was pinned. My coach, team and I were surprised and excited at the turn around I had.
It was at this point, knowing I wanted to get into a health care field, that I decided to become a doctor of chiropractic. It had helped me and now I get the chance to help a lot of other people.
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