It is truly amazing that 60 U.S. Senators could support a 2000+ page bill that the vast majority of the population does not want, and haven't even read. Pressure from their leaders and "Pay Backs" should not be the sole reason for passing any legislation.
Hopefully, when this bill goes to conference it will be killed or at least stalled until the November elections. The constitutionality of this bill will/should be tested and hopefully stricken down.
Why is this such a bad bill? As I posted previously, this Health Care Reform Bill does nothing to promote health, reduce costs or improve our system in any way.
The tax and "Mandatory" purchase of insurance will drive the economy even further into recession. Health care will become more expensive and harder to get. Demand will rise (30,000,000+ new consumers) and supply will decrease (up to 30% of current doctors will quit practice or retire early). We are currently in a primary care shortage. Adding 30 million new consumers alone will overrun the system. Over worked Primary Care Providers (PCP's) will be worked even harder to meet the demand. I don't know about you, but when it comes to my health care, I want a doctor that is fresh, well rested, happy and well paid!
Since there will most likely be a public option in this reform, expect insurance companies to go out of business, as they cannot compete against the government. Public plans will most likely be based on a Medicare model which means a drastic cut in doctor and hospital income. Working 60-80 hours per week for a wage less than most factory workers, with potential malpractice liability and student loans pushing $200,000; why would anyone do this?
If doctors can opt out of the program, i.e. not accept insurance and treat patients on a strictly cash basis, many of the top physicians will probably do this. But now you have a situation in which only the "rich" can afford quality care, leaving the poor and middle class depending on the over-worked, under-paid insurance doctors for care.
So, once again, in the infinite wisdom of our federal government, trying to help the poor and uninsured, we may in fact be making the problem worse and increasing costs at the same time.
If you have any questions or comments, please leave below or send me an e-mail directly
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Mammograms-New Guidelines
A Federal Government Health Panel recently announced new guidelines for routine mammograms for women between age 40 and 50. The panel now no longer recommends annual screening for women in this age group, as research has not shown any benefit.
This announcement has come under fire by several groups including The American Cancer Society, radiologists, breast surgeons and oncologists (all profit from cancer detection and treatment). They claim routine mammograms save lives and we are "throwing women 40-50 under the bus."
Some pundits have even linked this announcement to the health care debate, here comes the rationing of care. While I am not a supporter of any national health care system, the link is coincidental.
I applaud the panels recommendation! It took a lot of guts to come out against conventional wisdom and finally base a recommendation on actual science. I have been telling my female patients for years in this age group to skip the mammograms until menopause.
Why would I do that?
Because research over the last 5-10 years is showing not only are mammograms for this age group ineffective for detecting cancer, it actually causes cancer in this age group! The National Cancer Institute reported that in younger women, mammograms cause 75 cancers for every 15 detected. Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS) has risen 328% since mammogram screening began, and 200% is directly linked to the radiation exposure of the mammogram.
A 1992 Canadian National Breast Cancer Study showed mammograms had no positive effect on mortality for women age 40-50. In fact the study suggested women in this age group were more likely to die of breast cancer when screened regularly.
A 2008 study published in the AMA's Archives of Internal Medicine showed marked increases in cancer rates since the onset of regular screening. But even more astounding is they found many of the cancers detected by mammograms spontaneously regressed!
Mammograms done on pre-menopausal women have a very high incidence of false positive tests, which leads to unnecessary treatment, and stress. There is also a very high incidence of false negative results, meaning many cancers go undetected. For every cancer detected, 4 are missed.
This is a very emotional topic, and tempers can flare when discussing this issue. You will hear of women in their 40's that had their cancer detected by mammograms and claim their life was saved. But when you look at the statistics, yes she was saved, but four other women now have cancer because of the mammogram, three others had false negative tests and 70 women were told they have cancer when they didn't.
The women who survives, should be thankful, and at the same time keep the other 77 women whose lives were adversely affected by mammograms in their prayers.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Chronic Illness Running Rampant!
With the main focus in the news lately on infectious disease, H1N1, seasonal flu, pneumonia....And of course Breast Cancer all last month, (and the national health care debate) one truly serious health issue keeps getting pushed aside. Chronic Illness!
Chronic Degenerative Illness including diabetes, obesity, arthritis, fibromyalgia, Celiac, Chron's, thyroid dysfunction, lupus, RA, Alzheimers, etc...... is the third leading cause of death behind heart disease and cancer. And virtually all of these diseases are preventable.
In the next ten years, one in three will be diagnosed with Type II Diabetes, two of three will be obese....before age 20! We are slowly killing our children.
All of these chronic illnesses have one thing in common--Inflammation.
Inflammation that can lead to advanced aging, degeneration, allergies, pain, heart disease, cancer and death.
Causes of inflammation include; acute illness, injuries, vaccines, diet and stress. The simplest way to reduce and eliminate inflammation is with diet changes. The SAD (Standard American Diet) is the biggest culprit in the rapid decline in our health. High in sugar (simple carbs), Omega 6 fats (vegetable oils), low in fiber and essential nutrients. Sugars (sucrose, fructose, HFCS) inhibit immune response, over tax insulin production and cause inflammation. The ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 oils should be 1:1 or 1:2. The SAD ratio is 1:20! This unbalanced ratio of fat types increases inflammation.
The inflammation over time degrades the digestive tract as well. This leads to leaky gut and eventually allergies and of course more inflammation. Nasty Cycle!
To reduce inflammation follow these steps:
1)Start Moving! Simple exercise on a regular basis reduces inflammation
2)cut out-ELIMINATE- sugars, grains and starches from your diet (corn is a grain)
3)eat more fish 3-4 times per week and take a quality Omega 3 supplement
4)eat more fresh vegetables (a pound per day)
5)eat 5 colors of fruits and vegetables per day (cup of blueberries per day is a great start)
6)get adjusted! Adding motion to the spinal joints reduces pain and inflammation
7)reduce stress-meditate
If you suffer from chronic illness or have family members suffering, get checked by someone familiar with Functional Medicine. Many chronic illnesses can be detected years before symptoms appear. But you have to know where to look.
Any questions, give me a call. And as always, please leave a comment.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Top Athletes Embrace Chiropractic
High Level Athletes
of All Ages
Embrace Chiropractic Care
Four time Olympic silver medalist doctor Terry Schroeder has just returned from the Water Polo World Championships in Rome, Italy. Their fourth place finish was the best finish by the USA Water Polo Team ever in the World championships and they have proven that their silver medal run in Beijing was no fluke. With Dr. Schroeder as their coach and the entire team under chiropractic care they are on target for a gold medal in 2012. High level athletes in nearly every sport have chosen to make chiropractic care a part of their training and a part of their lifestyle.
Dr. Jeff Spencer was the team chiropractor for the USA Cycling Team that won 7 Tour de France victories. Dr. Greg Kempf from Cleveland, Ohio has been providing chiropractic care for the Cleveland Browns since 1999 and the Cavaliers for the past five seasons. On game day it is not uncommon for Dr. Kempf to adjust 35 of the 55 members of the team prior to the game including their highest profile players.
The trend toward chiropractic care caught on widely at the Olympics. Athletes are more and more aware of the edge others were receiving and they flock to the care so as not to lose out on any natural advantage. Today a chiropractor is in charge of the medical unit.
The trickle down to youth sports programs is very exciting as more and more high level athletes of all ages are embracing chiropractic care. Ambush Elite Youth Soccer Team, a Georgia affiliate of West Ham United of the English Premier League whose under 17 soccer team
is currently ranked 8th in the nation, receives chiropractic care before every game. At one time they were ranked second. Their coach, David Eristavi, one of the premier your soccer coaches in the country, believes that all young athletes should have chiropractic care as a part of their training.
Youth sports programs around the country are making chiropractic care available to all of their athletes. It’s not just the guys, it’s the women as well. Kerry Walsh, the two time Olympic gold medalist in volleyball, told me in a recent interview for The 100 Year Lifestyle Workout book that the balance of these three elements of the ESS, Endurance, Strength and Structure, are an important factor in her training and her success. Her workouts on the court are cardiovascular and build her endurance. Off the court she does Pilates, plyometrics, and strength-training that gives her the added punch she needs for an overhead spike. She also takes care of her structure through chiropractic care and other holistic techniques to balance her spine and keep her muscles strong and flexible. Kerri considers the structural element of her fitness routine to be an important factor that separates her from the pack.
Jerry Rice, the spokesperson for the Foundation of Chiropractic Progress Campaign, “I did a lot of things to stay in the game but regular visits to my chiropractor were among the most important.”
If you are an athlete who wants the competitive edge, or who is injured and wants to recover quickly, chiropractic care can give you the edge you are seeking.
*From Dr. Eric Plasker, D.C.*
of All Ages
Embrace Chiropractic Care
Four time Olympic silver medalist doctor Terry Schroeder has just returned from the Water Polo World Championships in Rome, Italy. Their fourth place finish was the best finish by the USA Water Polo Team ever in the World championships and they have proven that their silver medal run in Beijing was no fluke. With Dr. Schroeder as their coach and the entire team under chiropractic care they are on target for a gold medal in 2012. High level athletes in nearly every sport have chosen to make chiropractic care a part of their training and a part of their lifestyle.
Dr. Jeff Spencer was the team chiropractor for the USA Cycling Team that won 7 Tour de France victories. Dr. Greg Kempf from Cleveland, Ohio has been providing chiropractic care for the Cleveland Browns since 1999 and the Cavaliers for the past five seasons. On game day it is not uncommon for Dr. Kempf to adjust 35 of the 55 members of the team prior to the game including their highest profile players.
The trend toward chiropractic care caught on widely at the Olympics. Athletes are more and more aware of the edge others were receiving and they flock to the care so as not to lose out on any natural advantage. Today a chiropractor is in charge of the medical unit.
The trickle down to youth sports programs is very exciting as more and more high level athletes of all ages are embracing chiropractic care. Ambush Elite Youth Soccer Team, a Georgia affiliate of West Ham United of the English Premier League whose under 17 soccer team
is currently ranked 8th in the nation, receives chiropractic care before every game. At one time they were ranked second. Their coach, David Eristavi, one of the premier your soccer coaches in the country, believes that all young athletes should have chiropractic care as a part of their training.
Youth sports programs around the country are making chiropractic care available to all of their athletes. It’s not just the guys, it’s the women as well. Kerry Walsh, the two time Olympic gold medalist in volleyball, told me in a recent interview for The 100 Year Lifestyle Workout book that the balance of these three elements of the ESS, Endurance, Strength and Structure, are an important factor in her training and her success. Her workouts on the court are cardiovascular and build her endurance. Off the court she does Pilates, plyometrics, and strength-training that gives her the added punch she needs for an overhead spike. She also takes care of her structure through chiropractic care and other holistic techniques to balance her spine and keep her muscles strong and flexible. Kerri considers the structural element of her fitness routine to be an important factor that separates her from the pack.
Jerry Rice, the spokesperson for the Foundation of Chiropractic Progress Campaign, “I did a lot of things to stay in the game but regular visits to my chiropractor were among the most important.”
If you are an athlete who wants the competitive edge, or who is injured and wants to recover quickly, chiropractic care can give you the edge you are seeking.
*From Dr. Eric Plasker, D.C.*
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Slippery Slope
The long arm of government intrusion in our lives, especially health care, keeps getting longer. In New York, health care workers are REQUIRED to get the flu shot or lose their jobs. They have no choice, rights stripped away! Health officials now have authority to quarantine and force vaccination in case of an outbreak. There are no specific definitions of an "outbreak."
But what really bothers me is the recent conviction of a couple in the Wausau area for reckless homicide of their 11 year old daughter. The girl had undiagnosed diabetes and the parents chose to treat her with prayer. The girl died and the parents were prosecuted for neglecting their child.
Reports state the illness is very treatable, thus the dilemma.
While I do not agree the parents made the right choice in type of treatment, but who am I to dictate what treatment these parents must choose. Or anyone else (especially the government) for that matter. It is unfortunate that the child died, but should the parents have been prosecuted?
I say no. And here is why:
The parents in this case did not ignore their child. They chose to actively treat her with prayer. The treatment failed. Had these parents gone the conventional path and treated her with medicine, and the child had a reaction and died, would they be prosecuted as well? Of course not. But why the double standard? If a medical treatment causes a death, the provider can be sued for malpractice, but no one would charge the parent with reckless behavior.
The underlying problem is medical treatment is being sanctioned as the only treatment acceptable for illness. If you don't get treated medically, and death occurs, you will be prosecuted for not using "State Approved" care. (Minnesota boy with leukemia being forced to undergo chemotherapy)
While the death of this child is tragic, the loss of personal freedom to choose the type of health care best for you is more tragic. These parents chose poorly, but not criminally. What is criminal is forced vaccination, giving mercury laced flu shots to pregnant mothers, and preventing truthful information on natural and alternative treatments to be given to the public.
A one year old recently died following a flu shot. The child had seizures after getting the 6 month vaccines, and died after getting the flu shot. Are these parents going to be convicted of reckless homicide for killing their child? They knew the child had a poor reaction to vaccines in the past, yet their child was injected again (against their wishes) and died. Since it was a medical procedure that failed, it is just a tragedy. Besides, the official report will claim it was just a coincidence anyway.
Don't give up your rights! Support freedom of choice in health care. Remember, the number one cause of preventable death in the U.S. is not cancer or heart disease, it is medicine (errors, prescription drug interactions, surgery...). Medicine kills over 250,000 people every year!
But what really bothers me is the recent conviction of a couple in the Wausau area for reckless homicide of their 11 year old daughter. The girl had undiagnosed diabetes and the parents chose to treat her with prayer. The girl died and the parents were prosecuted for neglecting their child.
Reports state the illness is very treatable, thus the dilemma.
While I do not agree the parents made the right choice in type of treatment, but who am I to dictate what treatment these parents must choose. Or anyone else (especially the government) for that matter. It is unfortunate that the child died, but should the parents have been prosecuted?
I say no. And here is why:
The parents in this case did not ignore their child. They chose to actively treat her with prayer. The treatment failed. Had these parents gone the conventional path and treated her with medicine, and the child had a reaction and died, would they be prosecuted as well? Of course not. But why the double standard? If a medical treatment causes a death, the provider can be sued for malpractice, but no one would charge the parent with reckless behavior.
The underlying problem is medical treatment is being sanctioned as the only treatment acceptable for illness. If you don't get treated medically, and death occurs, you will be prosecuted for not using "State Approved" care. (Minnesota boy with leukemia being forced to undergo chemotherapy)
While the death of this child is tragic, the loss of personal freedom to choose the type of health care best for you is more tragic. These parents chose poorly, but not criminally. What is criminal is forced vaccination, giving mercury laced flu shots to pregnant mothers, and preventing truthful information on natural and alternative treatments to be given to the public.
A one year old recently died following a flu shot. The child had seizures after getting the 6 month vaccines, and died after getting the flu shot. Are these parents going to be convicted of reckless homicide for killing their child? They knew the child had a poor reaction to vaccines in the past, yet their child was injected again (against their wishes) and died. Since it was a medical procedure that failed, it is just a tragedy. Besides, the official report will claim it was just a coincidence anyway.
Don't give up your rights! Support freedom of choice in health care. Remember, the number one cause of preventable death in the U.S. is not cancer or heart disease, it is medicine (errors, prescription drug interactions, surgery...). Medicine kills over 250,000 people every year!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
The "Real" Problem with Health Care Reform
In life, there are always problems that arise. To solve these problems, there are some specific steps that must be followed. Einstein is quoted (I believe it was Einstein), "You cannot solve a problem with the same level of thinking that caused the problem." Our current "Health Care" reform endeavor is trying to solve a problem. Let's look at the problem:
Not enough access to affordable health care.
The problem statement above seems to be an accurate description of what we are trying to fix. But let's take a deeper look at the above statement. There are many false premises that need to be clarified to truly define the problem. The above statement is not true.
First of all; medical care and health care are two separate entities, they are NOT the same! The above statement is based on the presumption that health care is too expensive for people to afford with out insurance. The truth is "Medical" care is too expensive. Health care is FREE! You don't need a doctor when you are healthy. They do come in handy when you are actually sick or injured, but healthy people don't need doctors, and therefore, don't need medical care.
Second of all; The Law of Supply and Demand is being ignored. We have too many people consuming medical care. If we increased the number of healthy people, this would reduce the demand for medical services and, according to the Law of Supply and Demand, the price will go down. Lower price = affordable.
Thirdly; our health as a nation is pathetic. We rank near the bottom in all health statistics and markers. Yet we spend more than any other developed country, and consume more prescription drugs. We also eat more processed food, and exercise less. So, clearly our "medical" care is not healthy.
Much like our current medical system, the proposals on the table to "Reform Health Care" are nothing more than doing something to cover up the apparent problem (symptom),create new problems (side effects) and do nothing to address the underlying cause of the problem. We are trying to solve a problem with the same level of thinking that got us into this mess!
The best solution is most often the simplest solution. To reduce health care costs, reduce the demand by keeping people healthy.
I have outlined several steps in previous posts. Please review those for more information. Please leave a comment or question.
Not enough access to affordable health care.
The problem statement above seems to be an accurate description of what we are trying to fix. But let's take a deeper look at the above statement. There are many false premises that need to be clarified to truly define the problem. The above statement is not true.
First of all; medical care and health care are two separate entities, they are NOT the same! The above statement is based on the presumption that health care is too expensive for people to afford with out insurance. The truth is "Medical" care is too expensive. Health care is FREE! You don't need a doctor when you are healthy. They do come in handy when you are actually sick or injured, but healthy people don't need doctors, and therefore, don't need medical care.
Second of all; The Law of Supply and Demand is being ignored. We have too many people consuming medical care. If we increased the number of healthy people, this would reduce the demand for medical services and, according to the Law of Supply and Demand, the price will go down. Lower price = affordable.
Thirdly; our health as a nation is pathetic. We rank near the bottom in all health statistics and markers. Yet we spend more than any other developed country, and consume more prescription drugs. We also eat more processed food, and exercise less. So, clearly our "medical" care is not healthy.
Much like our current medical system, the proposals on the table to "Reform Health Care" are nothing more than doing something to cover up the apparent problem (symptom),create new problems (side effects) and do nothing to address the underlying cause of the problem. We are trying to solve a problem with the same level of thinking that got us into this mess!
The best solution is most often the simplest solution. To reduce health care costs, reduce the demand by keeping people healthy.
I have outlined several steps in previous posts. Please review those for more information. Please leave a comment or question.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Why Health Care Should Cost Money, and Lots
This whole "Health Care" debate has really gotten off track. As I have stated before, the current bills do absolutely nothing to improve health or reduce costs. Several proponents of the plan have an idealistic view of the problem. They expect "Free" health care courtesy of the government. From personal and professional observation, Free health care would be the worst thing to happen to this great nation.
Allow me to illustrate the folly of Free health care with at little story:
Two kids in the neighborhood want new bikes. The first kid tells his parents, "I want a new bike." and the parents give him the brand new bike. The second kid knows better than to ask his struggling parents to give him a new bike, so all summer he mows lawns and does several odd jobs. He saves his money, doesn't go to the movies with his buddies or buy candy at the store. Finally, he has enough to purchase the bike himself.
Ask yourself this question, who's bike will be in better condition in a year?
You know the answer, most grade school kids know the answer. The kid who worked hard and sacrificed will take very good care of his bike, because it has value. The first kid won't care if he leaves it outside in the rain, or bangs it up. He doesn't care because it didn't cost him anything, it has no value. If it breaks, his parents will probably get him a new one.
It is pure human nature. If something has value it is taken care of and cherished. If it has no value,it is disposable. Free health care has No Value!
I have seen this first hand in my practice. People who do not pay for their care are less healthy. There is no incentive to get healthy because someone else is going to pay for all the care they need. My patients who do not have insurance, or have very high deductibles and/or co-pays are much healthier. They value their health. They protect and maintain it like a valuable asset.
Even assets of great value, when given away for free, have no value to the recipient. Just look at free housing in inner city "Projects" or the free government housing given to the Native Americans for example. Run down and unkempt because the "owner" did not value it.
The best way to bring down health care costs is to improve the health of the nation. To do that, health has to have value. It has to be important enough to actively be taken care of. Routine tests and screenings should cost money. If you think you can't afford them, then you need to decide what is of more value. Maybe you have to cut back on other expenses, especially unhealthy ones. Smoking, alcohol, processed foods, etc... and put the money spent on unhealthy items into your health savings account to pay for better health.
Insurance was never supposed to cover routine maintenance. It is supposed to protect your assets in case of catastrophe/major illness. This is why I have always supported high deductible catastrophic insurance coupled with a health savings account. When you see where your health care dollars (and how much) are spent, you begin to live a healthier lifestyle.
Please leave a comment or question. Thanks for reading!
Allow me to illustrate the folly of Free health care with at little story:
Two kids in the neighborhood want new bikes. The first kid tells his parents, "I want a new bike." and the parents give him the brand new bike. The second kid knows better than to ask his struggling parents to give him a new bike, so all summer he mows lawns and does several odd jobs. He saves his money, doesn't go to the movies with his buddies or buy candy at the store. Finally, he has enough to purchase the bike himself.
Ask yourself this question, who's bike will be in better condition in a year?
You know the answer, most grade school kids know the answer. The kid who worked hard and sacrificed will take very good care of his bike, because it has value. The first kid won't care if he leaves it outside in the rain, or bangs it up. He doesn't care because it didn't cost him anything, it has no value. If it breaks, his parents will probably get him a new one.
It is pure human nature. If something has value it is taken care of and cherished. If it has no value,it is disposable. Free health care has No Value!
I have seen this first hand in my practice. People who do not pay for their care are less healthy. There is no incentive to get healthy because someone else is going to pay for all the care they need. My patients who do not have insurance, or have very high deductibles and/or co-pays are much healthier. They value their health. They protect and maintain it like a valuable asset.
Even assets of great value, when given away for free, have no value to the recipient. Just look at free housing in inner city "Projects" or the free government housing given to the Native Americans for example. Run down and unkempt because the "owner" did not value it.
The best way to bring down health care costs is to improve the health of the nation. To do that, health has to have value. It has to be important enough to actively be taken care of. Routine tests and screenings should cost money. If you think you can't afford them, then you need to decide what is of more value. Maybe you have to cut back on other expenses, especially unhealthy ones. Smoking, alcohol, processed foods, etc... and put the money spent on unhealthy items into your health savings account to pay for better health.
Insurance was never supposed to cover routine maintenance. It is supposed to protect your assets in case of catastrophe/major illness. This is why I have always supported high deductible catastrophic insurance coupled with a health savings account. When you see where your health care dollars (and how much) are spent, you begin to live a healthier lifestyle.
Please leave a comment or question. Thanks for reading!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Health Care Plan
Wow, has it really been since June? Football and soccer are now done for a while, so I have a little more time now. On to the topic at hand!
The Health Care Plan
What a nightmare! Too many pages to actually read, at least 2 different proposals (House, Senate, White House...) and not one will make any difference whatsoever in the nations "Health." Every plan or version is nothing more than changing who is paying and how much for a failing "health care" system. Let's get one thing straight, we do not have a "health care" system in this country, we have a "disease/sick" care system. Mainstream medicine does absolutely nothing for disease prevention, wellness and health promotion/education. Mainstream medicine, as a business, only profits from the sick and injured. If you are healthy, you won't see a doctor. If you are healthy you don't need prescription medication, and you don't need surgery.
This is a very expensive and ineffective way to establish a healthy population. It has been argued that the U.S. has the best "Health Care" in the world. I would argue, we have the best "Emergency Care" in the world. If you are injured, suffer a heart attack or stroke, the best place in the world would be a U.S. hospital. But if you are well and are looking for ways to stay well and improve your health, this would be the last place to be.
In a recent e-mail from Sen. Herb Kohl, he quoted the following statistics: the U.S. spends $7290 on health care per person, yet the average cost among the 30 most developed countries is only $2960. The U.S. ranks 44th in infant mortality and 30th in life expectancy. Our "Health" care system is not working!
How do we fix this?
You must understand there are very powerful economic forces driving our current system. As an old friend said to me, "If you want to find out why certain things are done, just follow the money." Medicine and the pharmaceutical industry profit from you being sick. There is a strong financial motive to keep you sick. I know, most doctors do believe they are helping people. But remember, all of their training is funded and based on pharmaceuticals. Drug company reps. are constantly bombarding doctors with drug company research on the newest wonder drug. TV ads get the general public to "Ask if Deathinapill is right for you."
To fix the Health Care Crisis, here is what I suggest:
1) Ban all pharmaceutical ads to the general public.
2) Have all pharmaceutical companies pay into a "Research Fund" and have public universities do the drug trials in a blinded manner.
3) Equal insurance coverage for all licensed health care providers, including chiropractic, homeopathy, naturopathy, acupuncture, etc..
4) Set up Health Savings Accounts for everyone.
5) Ban artificial sweeteners, additives, flavorings (MSG) from food sources
6) Improve education in grade schools and up on wellness and disease prevention.
These are the main highlights to improving our system. If you would like details on any of the above, let me know. Just remember, health care is not a right, but a responsibility. Our country cannot survive if the population is ill. In order to not only succeed, but to survive, we must change our habits and improve our health. The internet is a great start, as information that was previously hidden by the powers that be, is now available for everyone. Public demand is making manufactures change their products for the better due to this information (stevia instead of aspartame). Of course, beware of the false claims and hype. If you have questions, let me know.
Please leave a comment or question, this could be a very good topic for discussion as I have planted a few seeds with this one.
The Health Care Plan
What a nightmare! Too many pages to actually read, at least 2 different proposals (House, Senate, White House...) and not one will make any difference whatsoever in the nations "Health." Every plan or version is nothing more than changing who is paying and how much for a failing "health care" system. Let's get one thing straight, we do not have a "health care" system in this country, we have a "disease/sick" care system. Mainstream medicine does absolutely nothing for disease prevention, wellness and health promotion/education. Mainstream medicine, as a business, only profits from the sick and injured. If you are healthy, you won't see a doctor. If you are healthy you don't need prescription medication, and you don't need surgery.
This is a very expensive and ineffective way to establish a healthy population. It has been argued that the U.S. has the best "Health Care" in the world. I would argue, we have the best "Emergency Care" in the world. If you are injured, suffer a heart attack or stroke, the best place in the world would be a U.S. hospital. But if you are well and are looking for ways to stay well and improve your health, this would be the last place to be.
In a recent e-mail from Sen. Herb Kohl, he quoted the following statistics: the U.S. spends $7290 on health care per person, yet the average cost among the 30 most developed countries is only $2960. The U.S. ranks 44th in infant mortality and 30th in life expectancy. Our "Health" care system is not working!
How do we fix this?
You must understand there are very powerful economic forces driving our current system. As an old friend said to me, "If you want to find out why certain things are done, just follow the money." Medicine and the pharmaceutical industry profit from you being sick. There is a strong financial motive to keep you sick. I know, most doctors do believe they are helping people. But remember, all of their training is funded and based on pharmaceuticals. Drug company reps. are constantly bombarding doctors with drug company research on the newest wonder drug. TV ads get the general public to "Ask if Deathinapill is right for you."
To fix the Health Care Crisis, here is what I suggest:
1) Ban all pharmaceutical ads to the general public.
2) Have all pharmaceutical companies pay into a "Research Fund" and have public universities do the drug trials in a blinded manner.
3) Equal insurance coverage for all licensed health care providers, including chiropractic, homeopathy, naturopathy, acupuncture, etc..
4) Set up Health Savings Accounts for everyone.
5) Ban artificial sweeteners, additives, flavorings (MSG) from food sources
6) Improve education in grade schools and up on wellness and disease prevention.
These are the main highlights to improving our system. If you would like details on any of the above, let me know. Just remember, health care is not a right, but a responsibility. Our country cannot survive if the population is ill. In order to not only succeed, but to survive, we must change our habits and improve our health. The internet is a great start, as information that was previously hidden by the powers that be, is now available for everyone. Public demand is making manufactures change their products for the better due to this information (stevia instead of aspartame). Of course, beware of the false claims and hype. If you have questions, let me know.
Please leave a comment or question, this could be a very good topic for discussion as I have planted a few seeds with this one.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
The Joys of Being a Sports Doc
Been a while since my last post, but when you are a Sports Doc with a family, life gets pretty hectic. Many of my friends, when they look at my schedule, wonder how I do it. I'm not really sure, I just do it.
May was a very good busy month, Roller Derby was winding down and football was just starting. Unfortunately, these overlapped which made life very interesting. The football team I play for and serve as team doctor, Fox Valley Force kicked off the season in Kimberly on May 9. The Paper Valley Roller Girls had their season finale on May 9. So, off to the football field at 2:00 to start taping players, get dressed and warmed up for the game, play the first half, check on any injuries, go to the locker room, shower and change, drive cross town to the roller rink and get set up for roller derby. Catch my breath!
Stretch and adjust a few skaters, evaluate some pretty good injuries (torn PCL, torn hamstring insertion), get text from football coach on final score, adjust a few more skaters, and finally pack up for the day. The hard part now is which after party to attend? Problem solved, attend both!
May 16, repeat the above with the Force and the Fox Cityz Foxz !
Memorial weekend came at the right time!
Roller derby is done for me until the fall, football is now half over, and soccer season has just begun. I coach a 15 year old girls soccer team-Neenah Dragons.
What make it possible to do all this? I love it! Life would be pretty boring without all the adventure.
Leave a comment or question, love to hear your thoughts.
May was a very good busy month, Roller Derby was winding down and football was just starting. Unfortunately, these overlapped which made life very interesting. The football team I play for and serve as team doctor, Fox Valley Force kicked off the season in Kimberly on May 9. The Paper Valley Roller Girls had their season finale on May 9. So, off to the football field at 2:00 to start taping players, get dressed and warmed up for the game, play the first half, check on any injuries, go to the locker room, shower and change, drive cross town to the roller rink and get set up for roller derby. Catch my breath!
Stretch and adjust a few skaters, evaluate some pretty good injuries (torn PCL, torn hamstring insertion), get text from football coach on final score, adjust a few more skaters, and finally pack up for the day. The hard part now is which after party to attend? Problem solved, attend both!
May 16, repeat the above with the Force and the Fox Cityz Foxz !
Memorial weekend came at the right time!
Roller derby is done for me until the fall, football is now half over, and soccer season has just begun. I coach a 15 year old girls soccer team-Neenah Dragons.
What make it possible to do all this? I love it! Life would be pretty boring without all the adventure.
Leave a comment or question, love to hear your thoughts.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Ankle Sprains
As a sports doctor, I see many injuries. The most common is the ankle sprain.
It never fails, if I'm covering an event, such as a soccer tournament, a kid will twist an ankle and some well meaning parent with some medical training will jump right in with the "Standard" advice. Don't take off the shoe, ice right away, don't walk on it, take some ibuprofen.....
While these steps have been firmly implanted into our heads; this approach actually slows the healing process and sets up an inferior repair that will lead to repeat ankle injuries.
The old RICE (rest, ice, compression and elevation) treatment is good for immediate pain relief, but does nothing to enhance or speed the healing process. Let me explain...
When an ankle or other joint is sprained, the ligaments that hold the bones together get stretched or torn. This can only happen if the bones get pulled apart. When you twist an ankle, one side gets opened up and stretches/tears the ligament. It is imperative that the bones get re-aligned immediately to start the repair process.
The first thing I do is evaluate the injury and see if the ligaments are intact, then traction the joint to re-align the boney structures. This usually brings great relief to the injured athlete. This must also be done before the swelling begins.
Conventional wisdom tells us that swelling and inflammation is bad. If it is bad, why does the body do it? Swelling and inflammation is vital to the repair process. The swelling floods the damaged area and cleans out the damaged tissue. This gives a foundation for the repair. Inflammation occurs when tissues are damaged. Histamines are released from the cells. This histamine release sets in motiion the repair process, as the body begins to deliver repair materials to the area. The pain and swelling helps to protect the joint durring this phase.
Taking NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs-ibuprofen) leads to fibrosis formation. This creates an inferior and weak repair, prone to reinjury. Natural anti-inflammatory remedies include tumeric, curcummin and the enzyme bromelain are effective.
Weight bearing, as soon as possible, will strengthen the repair and speed healing. Weight stresses the repair and the body will build a stronger repair along the stress zones.
Best advice... if you suffer a sprained ankle, have a trained sports chiropractor evaluate it and treat as needed. Within a week to 10 days, most ankle sprains are healed enough to resume normal activities. Any questions or comments would be welcome.
It never fails, if I'm covering an event, such as a soccer tournament, a kid will twist an ankle and some well meaning parent with some medical training will jump right in with the "Standard" advice. Don't take off the shoe, ice right away, don't walk on it, take some ibuprofen.....
While these steps have been firmly implanted into our heads; this approach actually slows the healing process and sets up an inferior repair that will lead to repeat ankle injuries.
The old RICE (rest, ice, compression and elevation) treatment is good for immediate pain relief, but does nothing to enhance or speed the healing process. Let me explain...
When an ankle or other joint is sprained, the ligaments that hold the bones together get stretched or torn. This can only happen if the bones get pulled apart. When you twist an ankle, one side gets opened up and stretches/tears the ligament. It is imperative that the bones get re-aligned immediately to start the repair process.
The first thing I do is evaluate the injury and see if the ligaments are intact, then traction the joint to re-align the boney structures. This usually brings great relief to the injured athlete. This must also be done before the swelling begins.
Conventional wisdom tells us that swelling and inflammation is bad. If it is bad, why does the body do it? Swelling and inflammation is vital to the repair process. The swelling floods the damaged area and cleans out the damaged tissue. This gives a foundation for the repair. Inflammation occurs when tissues are damaged. Histamines are released from the cells. This histamine release sets in motiion the repair process, as the body begins to deliver repair materials to the area. The pain and swelling helps to protect the joint durring this phase.
Taking NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs-ibuprofen) leads to fibrosis formation. This creates an inferior and weak repair, prone to reinjury. Natural anti-inflammatory remedies include tumeric, curcummin and the enzyme bromelain are effective.
Weight bearing, as soon as possible, will strengthen the repair and speed healing. Weight stresses the repair and the body will build a stronger repair along the stress zones.
Best advice... if you suffer a sprained ankle, have a trained sports chiropractor evaluate it and treat as needed. Within a week to 10 days, most ankle sprains are healed enough to resume normal activities. Any questions or comments would be welcome.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Office Decore

My office has, of course, the standard "health care office" decorations. Magazine rack and educational posters in the reception room, diplomas on the wall, etc.... But in my Patient Education Room I have some very interesting "Props".
I have Silly Putty, several bent and rusty bolts and nuts, rubber bands, a bowling ball....But my favorite Prop is an actual tire from one of my cars!
Why on God's Green Earth would a doctor have an old worn out tire in his office (not to mention the rusty bolts, but that is a subject for a future post)? Remember, this is my patient education room. Any good teacher will tell you, if you can get your "Students" to ask questions, they learn better. I don't bring up the tire subject for everyone, and it is really fun to watch people look at the tire, wonder about it, then finally get up the nerve to ask about it.
"What's with the old tire?" Well, you will notice a distinct wear pattern, this is a symptom, much like a headache or back pain. If you treat the symptom by replacing the tire only, what would happen later? Of course, the new tire will quickly wear out like the old one. That is why we must address the underlying "Alignment" problem to fix this symptom. The lightbulb really pops on about now!
Understanding that just covering up a symptom with medication, does not actually fix anything and the symptom will return until the underlying alignment problem is fixed.
Got a symptom? Get your alignment checked!
Love to hear your comments or questions, leave a note!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Great Success Story From One of My Patients
I just received this from a recent new patient. Oko has come along way already, and I greatly appreciate her sharing this with you.
"I'm pain free now! I had no knowledge about chiropractic, when my co-worker recomended me Dr. Fischer. I was skeptical, and a little bit nervous, but felt really comfortable right after my first visit. My headache was terrible, I had been suffered (sic) for 2 months with pain and was desperate. I'm lucky to have Dr. Fischer as my chiropractor. He knows the best, does the best, he is the best. Now after 7 visits so far, I ask myself why I didn't come earlier instead of suffering... Anyways, thank you Dr. Fischer and your staff are great too."
Oko Janssen,
Neenah WI
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Life Energy
One question I routinely get when I tell a new acquaintance I am a chiropractor is, "How does 'Cracking' someones back or neck treat their disease?"
First of all, I do not use the "C" word, it is an adjustment. Then I go on to explain how spinal misalignments can affect the flow of energy through the nerves. This is where I usually get the "Deer-in-the-Headlights" look.
Most people think of chiropractors as just someone who can fix bad backs, which we are the best at by the way. However, I think of myself as more of an electrician for the body than a "Bad Back Fixer."
You see, all healing arts, except western medicine, are based on proper flow of energy through the body for optimal health. Too much or too little energy flow is the cause of disease. For example, too much energy to the stomach--you get acid reflux and ulcers. Too little and you get indigestion, constipation or diarrhea.
The Chineese call this energy Chi, in religion it is the soul, and in chiropractic it is Innate Intellegence. The only difference between life and death is the flow of energy. A dead body is physically and chemically identical to a live one! The differece is energy.
In the human body, this energy is concentrated and travels through the nerves. The brain knows all and instructs each and every cell in your body what to do and when. If the communication between the brain and the cells is interferred with, the cells do not do what they are supposed to do--disease.
Since only 10% of nerve communicate pain, most of the time these conditions occur with out any notice whatsoever.
According to Quantum Physics, we are nothing but energy packets anyway, so correcting energy flow issues will promote optimal health.
So, as the "electrician", I look for improper flow of nerve energy and remove the cause (spinal misalignment). The body can then begin to work as it is intended-health.
In essence, the chiropractic adjustment improves energy flow, thus makes you more alive. And I can't imagine any better way to spend my life, then helping others be more alive!
I would really love to answer any questions or comments on this one. Please leave a comment, even if only to say Hi!
First of all, I do not use the "C" word, it is an adjustment. Then I go on to explain how spinal misalignments can affect the flow of energy through the nerves. This is where I usually get the "Deer-in-the-Headlights" look.
Most people think of chiropractors as just someone who can fix bad backs, which we are the best at by the way. However, I think of myself as more of an electrician for the body than a "Bad Back Fixer."
You see, all healing arts, except western medicine, are based on proper flow of energy through the body for optimal health. Too much or too little energy flow is the cause of disease. For example, too much energy to the stomach--you get acid reflux and ulcers. Too little and you get indigestion, constipation or diarrhea.
The Chineese call this energy Chi, in religion it is the soul, and in chiropractic it is Innate Intellegence. The only difference between life and death is the flow of energy. A dead body is physically and chemically identical to a live one! The differece is energy.
In the human body, this energy is concentrated and travels through the nerves. The brain knows all and instructs each and every cell in your body what to do and when. If the communication between the brain and the cells is interferred with, the cells do not do what they are supposed to do--disease.
Since only 10% of nerve communicate pain, most of the time these conditions occur with out any notice whatsoever.
According to Quantum Physics, we are nothing but energy packets anyway, so correcting energy flow issues will promote optimal health.
So, as the "electrician", I look for improper flow of nerve energy and remove the cause (spinal misalignment). The body can then begin to work as it is intended-health.
In essence, the chiropractic adjustment improves energy flow, thus makes you more alive. And I can't imagine any better way to spend my life, then helping others be more alive!
I would really love to answer any questions or comments on this one. Please leave a comment, even if only to say Hi!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Those of you who follow me know I was in Mexico-Riviera Maya last week for vacation. While on the beach, Robin (wife) and I, to commemorate our 25th Wedding Anniversary (May 26) renewed our vows to each other. We brought our four daughters with us to celebrate.
Needless to say, we had a fantastic time (great to get out of the snow). Robin and I reconnected last week and I have noticed a change in our attitudes and demeanors, for the better. And when home life is better, career life seems to follow along as well. This week has been phenomenal at the office! Even the staff seems more energized.
Spring really is coming, dispite the current weather conditions. And Spring is a time for renewal. The death of Winter fades, tulips come up and the grass greens. Take some time and see what you can do to renew something important in your life. A relationship with a spouse or family member, a new focus in your career or maybe even a new career. Maybe even look back at those "Resolutions" you made three months ago and renew those.
Did you set any goals? How are you doing? Now would be a great time to review and renew those goals.
Love to see your comments and questions! Please leave a comment to let me know you were here-Thanks!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Great Recommendation
This is from a patient of mine I haven't seen for a couple of years. When you can make a difference in someones life, it makes doing what you do so much more worthwhile. Thank you Kristin!
Kristin Wick Paolantonio wrote at 4:54am on February 18th, 2009
Why NEWCARE is the best: 4 yrs later & I still miss my chiropractic care back in Menasha, WI...Been to 5 different chiropractors and can tell you NEWCARE is the best... these are the 3 things I look for:1. He doesn't have you return for adjustments just to get your money, (he has you return as is necessary) 2. He will take the time to explain what is going on so you understand, (I've had others that come in, do the adjustment, say see you next week, and go out to the next patient). 3. He makes sure you are relaxed before he adjusts (its bad when others do the adjustment and you weren't even ready for it! no need to be scared coming to Dr. Fischer).It is obvious he cares for his patients... I still receive educational NEWCARE emails that I enjoy... if you want new care, visit NEWCARE! =0)
Kristin Wick Paolantonio wrote at 4:54am on February 18th, 2009
Why NEWCARE is the best: 4 yrs later & I still miss my chiropractic care back in Menasha, WI...Been to 5 different chiropractors and can tell you NEWCARE is the best... these are the 3 things I look for:1. He doesn't have you return for adjustments just to get your money, (he has you return as is necessary) 2. He will take the time to explain what is going on so you understand, (I've had others that come in, do the adjustment, say see you next week, and go out to the next patient). 3. He makes sure you are relaxed before he adjusts (its bad when others do the adjustment and you weren't even ready for it! no need to be scared coming to Dr. Fischer).It is obvious he cares for his patients... I still receive educational NEWCARE emails that I enjoy... if you want new care, visit NEWCARE! =0)
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Old Chevys and Being a Doc
Part of my Blog description is fixing old Chevy's in addition to the health care info, sports and politics. I haven't posted anything on this topic yet, but looking at the past couple of weeks, now is the time.
My second oldest daughter (age 19) has had a slight string of bad fortune when it comes to cars. She recently purchased my wifes car (an Oldsmobile) and within 2 months of owning it, she blew the head gasket. So for the next couple weeks, she shared our '95 S Blazer with my wife and while driving home from work 2 weeks ago, red-lined the motor and blew that up as well. The Olds in in my garage, waiting for an engine transplant, the Blazer is parked beside my garage and will undergo an engine rebuild this spring.
This leaves only one car for three drivers, each needing to be somewhere at the same time. But there, parked behind the garage, a large black/grey/rusty, 1984 Chevy half ton pick-up truck, no tailgate, no muffler, couple bolts holding the bed to the frame and box full of garbage to be hauled to the dump; sits in wait. This is by far the best $300 investment I have ever made!
After several attempts to get it started, I replaced the battery (took it out of the Olds) and got it to run, a little. Took it to the dump, and actually brought it back! Empty, this time. But then we couldn't get it started again. I figured a good tune up might help. So, I replaced the plugs, cap and rotor. No help, it still wouldn't start-No spark!
After sleeping on the issue, I remembered I still had several parts from my old '86 Suburban. I dug through a box and found the distributor and swapped it into the pick up. One turn of the key and it started right up. But, of course, I wasn't satisfied. I knew the carburetor was in need of a rebuild,and I had just done the Suburban's a few years before, why not swap that as well? Due to changes in computer connections between '84 and '86, the swap did not work. So, I rebuilt the carb and put it back on the pick up. Runs much better, until this week. Wouldn't start again. This time a horrific grinding noise was made when trying to start it. Good news, this wasn't an engine noise! So I pulled the starter (did I mention I had to replace the starter in my Tahoe a month ago?) and it crumbled in my hands. Luckily I had a "Lifetime" warranty, and replaced the starter. It works sooooo much better now! Drove it all day today without any problems.
For now we have two working vehicles for three drivers.
How is it that a doctor knows so much about fixing cars? Well, when I was attending Northwestern College of Chiropractic, I worked part-time at a service station and learned a lot about fixing cars and fixing people. Funny thing is, both require the same skills to be successful.
Both the mechanic and doctor must take a history of the complaint (it hurts to do this/it makes a noise when I do this), do a thorough examination, do a differential diagnosis, do the treatment and test the result. And just like your mechanic telling you to bring it back in a couple of months for routine maintenance, I, as the doctor recommend coming back in a couple of months for routine maintenance. It is always much more expensive to fix/treat a problem, then it is to prevent a problem.
Love to hear your comments, please leave one!
My second oldest daughter (age 19) has had a slight string of bad fortune when it comes to cars. She recently purchased my wifes car (an Oldsmobile) and within 2 months of owning it, she blew the head gasket. So for the next couple weeks, she shared our '95 S Blazer with my wife and while driving home from work 2 weeks ago, red-lined the motor and blew that up as well. The Olds in in my garage, waiting for an engine transplant, the Blazer is parked beside my garage and will undergo an engine rebuild this spring.
This leaves only one car for three drivers, each needing to be somewhere at the same time. But there, parked behind the garage, a large black/grey/rusty, 1984 Chevy half ton pick-up truck, no tailgate, no muffler, couple bolts holding the bed to the frame and box full of garbage to be hauled to the dump; sits in wait. This is by far the best $300 investment I have ever made!
After several attempts to get it started, I replaced the battery (took it out of the Olds) and got it to run, a little. Took it to the dump, and actually brought it back! Empty, this time. But then we couldn't get it started again. I figured a good tune up might help. So, I replaced the plugs, cap and rotor. No help, it still wouldn't start-No spark!
After sleeping on the issue, I remembered I still had several parts from my old '86 Suburban. I dug through a box and found the distributor and swapped it into the pick up. One turn of the key and it started right up. But, of course, I wasn't satisfied. I knew the carburetor was in need of a rebuild,and I had just done the Suburban's a few years before, why not swap that as well? Due to changes in computer connections between '84 and '86, the swap did not work. So, I rebuilt the carb and put it back on the pick up. Runs much better, until this week. Wouldn't start again. This time a horrific grinding noise was made when trying to start it. Good news, this wasn't an engine noise! So I pulled the starter (did I mention I had to replace the starter in my Tahoe a month ago?) and it crumbled in my hands. Luckily I had a "Lifetime" warranty, and replaced the starter. It works sooooo much better now! Drove it all day today without any problems.
For now we have two working vehicles for three drivers.
How is it that a doctor knows so much about fixing cars? Well, when I was attending Northwestern College of Chiropractic, I worked part-time at a service station and learned a lot about fixing cars and fixing people. Funny thing is, both require the same skills to be successful.
Both the mechanic and doctor must take a history of the complaint (it hurts to do this/it makes a noise when I do this), do a thorough examination, do a differential diagnosis, do the treatment and test the result. And just like your mechanic telling you to bring it back in a couple of months for routine maintenance, I, as the doctor recommend coming back in a couple of months for routine maintenance. It is always much more expensive to fix/treat a problem, then it is to prevent a problem.
Love to hear your comments, please leave one!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Athletic Performance and Chiropractic
In the mid 1990's a study was done to see if chiropractic care had any affect on athletic performance. Having worked with athletes and being an athlete myself, I already knew what the study was going to show. The study had a group of athletes, male and female, and divided them into two groups. One group trained, the second group trained as well, and also received chiropractic care. A baseline of athletic performance was established and each group began their training. At the end of six weeks, the baseline tests were again performed. While each group showed improvement, the chiropractic group showed a 14.7% increase in athletic performance over training alone!
It only makes sense that the group that got regular "tune-ups" would perform better. Chiropratic adjustments improve balance, coordination, flexibility, proprioception, strength and stamina. This is why so many top athletes (professional, Olympic, and collegiate) make chiropractic care part of their training program.
From personal experience, if not for regular chiropractic adjustments, there is no way I could physically continue to play semi-pro football at age 44.
Here is a small list of notable athletes that utilize chiropractic care: Tiger Woods, Evander Holyfield, Joe Montana, Emmitt Smith, Barry Bonds, US Women's National Soccer Team,..... And the list keeps growing and growing. Last winter, I had the opportunity to attend a sports seminar with the Pro-Football Chiropractic Association. I had a wonderful time working with the team chiropractors for the Ind. Colts, Det. Lions, Oakland Raiders, Miami Dolphins and Baltimore Ravens. Most of these guys are busy non-stop adjusting their players on game day. Not for injury care, that's what the training staff is for, but for enhanced performance. Joe Montana was noted for saying his vision and anticipation improved after an adjustment.
The athletic groups I work with; The Fox Valley Force The Fox Cityz Foxz and The Paper Valley Roller Girls have used me for mostly injury care. But a few are starting to see the improved performance benefits of care prior to matches or practice.
It is really fun to see someone utilize their full genetic potential on the athletic field, when athletes record a personal best or perform better than expected. If I can help athletes succeed, that is one of the greatest thrills I ever get.
Please post a comment, even if it is to just let me know you stopped by, Thanks!!!
It only makes sense that the group that got regular "tune-ups" would perform better. Chiropratic adjustments improve balance, coordination, flexibility, proprioception, strength and stamina. This is why so many top athletes (professional, Olympic, and collegiate) make chiropractic care part of their training program.
From personal experience, if not for regular chiropractic adjustments, there is no way I could physically continue to play semi-pro football at age 44.
Here is a small list of notable athletes that utilize chiropractic care: Tiger Woods, Evander Holyfield, Joe Montana, Emmitt Smith, Barry Bonds, US Women's National Soccer Team,..... And the list keeps growing and growing. Last winter, I had the opportunity to attend a sports seminar with the Pro-Football Chiropractic Association. I had a wonderful time working with the team chiropractors for the Ind. Colts, Det. Lions, Oakland Raiders, Miami Dolphins and Baltimore Ravens. Most of these guys are busy non-stop adjusting their players on game day. Not for injury care, that's what the training staff is for, but for enhanced performance. Joe Montana was noted for saying his vision and anticipation improved after an adjustment.
The athletic groups I work with; The Fox Valley Force The Fox Cityz Foxz and The Paper Valley Roller Girls have used me for mostly injury care. But a few are starting to see the improved performance benefits of care prior to matches or practice.
It is really fun to see someone utilize their full genetic potential on the athletic field, when athletes record a personal best or perform better than expected. If I can help athletes succeed, that is one of the greatest thrills I ever get.
Please post a comment, even if it is to just let me know you stopped by, Thanks!!!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Do I Have to Come Forever?
One of the misconceptions of chiropractic care, is that once you start with chiropractic, you have to keep going for the rest of your life. Of course you don't have to, and many of my patients don't. They come in when they are in pain and I don't see them again until the pain returns.
You don't have to keep coming in for chiropractic care forever.....But what if you took the same attitude to other beneficial habits most of us take for granted....
You don't have to brush your teeth every day....You don't have to change the oil in your car every 3month/3000 miles.....You don't have to exercise after you lost the weight...You don't have to get a haircut anymore.....You don't have to change the batteries in your smoke detector...
Do you see a pattern?
Can you imagine the scene in a mechanic's shop:
Mechanic: Your oil change is done, you'll need to come back in 3 months and do it again.
Car Owner: But you just changed it, and my car runs fine now. How 'bout I call you if anything goes wrong.
Do you take better care of your car than you do of your body?
Think of chiropractic care as a healthy habit, an oil change and tune-up for your body. Of course if you are injured or in pain, we can help you. But the best way to utilize chiropractic is as preventive care.
Remember the old Framm Oil Filter commercial..."You can pay me now, or you can pay me later."
It's always more expensive and time consuming to "pay me later."
Love to hear your comments. Please, just let me know you stopped by and read the post.
Thank you!
You don't have to keep coming in for chiropractic care forever.....But what if you took the same attitude to other beneficial habits most of us take for granted....
You don't have to brush your teeth every day....You don't have to change the oil in your car every 3month/3000 miles.....You don't have to exercise after you lost the weight...You don't have to get a haircut anymore.....You don't have to change the batteries in your smoke detector...
Do you see a pattern?
Can you imagine the scene in a mechanic's shop:
Mechanic: Your oil change is done, you'll need to come back in 3 months and do it again.
Car Owner: But you just changed it, and my car runs fine now. How 'bout I call you if anything goes wrong.
Do you take better care of your car than you do of your body?
Think of chiropractic care as a healthy habit, an oil change and tune-up for your body. Of course if you are injured or in pain, we can help you. But the best way to utilize chiropractic is as preventive care.
Remember the old Framm Oil Filter commercial..."You can pay me now, or you can pay me later."
It's always more expensive and time consuming to "pay me later."
Love to hear your comments. Please, just let me know you stopped by and read the post.
Thank you!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Day In The Life Of a Roller Derby Doc
I am fortunate to have the privilege of working with two Women's Flat Track Roller Derby Teams. The Fox Cityz Foxz and the Paper Valley Roller Girls
I get to attend each teams practice once a week and provide chiropractic adjustments, injury care, training advice and get to watch these great skaters up close and personal. Most of these "ladies" practice 3 times a week on skates, as well as, some off skate workouts. They take this sport very seriously. Even the scrimmages that take place in practice can get very spirited.
But the real fun is "Bout Night!"
I definitely get one of the best seats in the house for derby matches. Right next to the team bench, track side. I will adjust some of the skaters before the match, some at half time and the rest after the match. Sometimes I have to adjust the same skater more than once. They take a real beating sometimes and I can't imagine how sore they would be without the adjustment.
The Foxz consist of 3 club teams that skate against each other. Rivalries are starting to form as bragging rights are up for grab each month. The PV Roller Girls are a traveling team, taking on talent from throughout North America. Last weekend, the PVRG hosted a team from Toronto, CN Power. this team was an all-star team from the largest derby club in North America. If you missed this bout, you missed one heck of a show as the underdog, home team came away with a 9 point victory.
I've had the opportunity to work with several sports clubs, and Roller Derby is much like Rugby as far as sportsmanship is concerned. The host team provides food and parties with the guest team that night. Everyone has a great time, sharing stories and tactics. I even adjusted about 10 of the Toronto skaters after the match. They seemed very appreciative.
Both groups are very entertaining and if you want to see some Hard Hitting derby Action, visit the web sites above and get your tickets early as both clubs usually sell out quickly.
Love to hear your comments or questions, leave a note!
I get to attend each teams practice once a week and provide chiropractic adjustments, injury care, training advice and get to watch these great skaters up close and personal. Most of these "ladies" practice 3 times a week on skates, as well as, some off skate workouts. They take this sport very seriously. Even the scrimmages that take place in practice can get very spirited.
But the real fun is "Bout Night!"
I definitely get one of the best seats in the house for derby matches. Right next to the team bench, track side. I will adjust some of the skaters before the match, some at half time and the rest after the match. Sometimes I have to adjust the same skater more than once. They take a real beating sometimes and I can't imagine how sore they would be without the adjustment.
The Foxz consist of 3 club teams that skate against each other. Rivalries are starting to form as bragging rights are up for grab each month. The PV Roller Girls are a traveling team, taking on talent from throughout North America. Last weekend, the PVRG hosted a team from Toronto, CN Power. this team was an all-star team from the largest derby club in North America. If you missed this bout, you missed one heck of a show as the underdog, home team came away with a 9 point victory.
I've had the opportunity to work with several sports clubs, and Roller Derby is much like Rugby as far as sportsmanship is concerned. The host team provides food and parties with the guest team that night. Everyone has a great time, sharing stories and tactics. I even adjusted about 10 of the Toronto skaters after the match. They seemed very appreciative.
Both groups are very entertaining and if you want to see some Hard Hitting derby Action, visit the web sites above and get your tickets early as both clubs usually sell out quickly.
Love to hear your comments or questions, leave a note!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Ice, Snow and Cold
This has been a pretty tough winter so far, and it is just starting. In some ways this has been bad, and in other ways has been very good.
First the bad, due to the cold, many of my elderly patients have not been able to come in as regularly as they would like to. But when it gets warmer, they will definitely will be in.
For the good, with the snow and ice I have seen a lot more auto accident cases, slips on the ice and low back strains from shoveling snow. I say this good, not for selfish-profit reasons, but because the people I have seen are getting the help they need. With the chiropractic care they are getting, they are getting stronger, improving their flexibility, and boosting their immune systems.
I have seen more people in the last two weeks who had never been to a chiropractor before. And without the injuries, due to the weather, they otherwise may have never thought of seeing one. Now these people are experiencing the wonder "Life" benefits of chiropractic care. Decreased pain, increased range of motion, improved strength, and enhanced immune system function.
While I am truly sorry that these people had to suffer an injury to begin the path of better health, I feel more sorry for those who are injured and have not decided to try chiropractic.
If you know of someone who has fallen, hurt themselves shoveling, sledding, skiing or been in an auto or snowmobile accident; have them give me or their local chiropractor a call. For information please visit our web site at
I encourage your comments. Be sure to let me know what you want to read or share your stories.
First the bad, due to the cold, many of my elderly patients have not been able to come in as regularly as they would like to. But when it gets warmer, they will definitely will be in.
For the good, with the snow and ice I have seen a lot more auto accident cases, slips on the ice and low back strains from shoveling snow. I say this good, not for selfish-profit reasons, but because the people I have seen are getting the help they need. With the chiropractic care they are getting, they are getting stronger, improving their flexibility, and boosting their immune systems.
I have seen more people in the last two weeks who had never been to a chiropractor before. And without the injuries, due to the weather, they otherwise may have never thought of seeing one. Now these people are experiencing the wonder "Life" benefits of chiropractic care. Decreased pain, increased range of motion, improved strength, and enhanced immune system function.
While I am truly sorry that these people had to suffer an injury to begin the path of better health, I feel more sorry for those who are injured and have not decided to try chiropractic.
If you know of someone who has fallen, hurt themselves shoveling, sledding, skiing or been in an auto or snowmobile accident; have them give me or their local chiropractor a call. For information please visit our web site at
I encourage your comments. Be sure to let me know what you want to read or share your stories.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
In my treatment rooms, I have a white board that has little sayings or phrases designed to stimulate conversation. This week, "Titanic" is the word on the board. What does the Titanic have to do with health care?
The question is, What sank the Titanic? Most normal people answer correctly with it hit an iceberg. But I have received some unusual responses this week, including a "Big Hole in the boat" and my favorite from an engineer, "It failed to weigh less than the water it displaced." While those answers are technically correct, the iceberg response is what I am looking for.
As far as the iceberg is concerned, which part sank the Titanic; the part you could see, or the part under water you couldn't see? Of course the answer is the hidden part under the water. Which like most health conditions, it is the part you don't see (no symptom) that sinks you.
Diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer and others, do not have obviious symptoms, but can be very deadly. So be sure to get regular check-ups and do everything you can to stay healthy. Regular chiropractic adjustments, getting plenty of rest, exercise and good nutrition are vital to good health.
Enjoy the new year and have a healthy 2009.
The question is, What sank the Titanic? Most normal people answer correctly with it hit an iceberg. But I have received some unusual responses this week, including a "Big Hole in the boat" and my favorite from an engineer, "It failed to weigh less than the water it displaced." While those answers are technically correct, the iceberg response is what I am looking for.
As far as the iceberg is concerned, which part sank the Titanic; the part you could see, or the part under water you couldn't see? Of course the answer is the hidden part under the water. Which like most health conditions, it is the part you don't see (no symptom) that sinks you.
Diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer and others, do not have obviious symptoms, but can be very deadly. So be sure to get regular check-ups and do everything you can to stay healthy. Regular chiropractic adjustments, getting plenty of rest, exercise and good nutrition are vital to good health.
Enjoy the new year and have a healthy 2009.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
The Wrestling Injury That Changed My Life

I was quite an active athlete in high school (still am), ten letters in three sports. One of the sports I participated in was wrestling. My high school had a very strong wrestling program and benefited from great alumni support. Former wrestlers would actually come to our practices and work out with the current team. Being a heavyweight, I got to practice against all these alumni. Some included former state champions, Pan-Am Games medalist and other great wrestlers. These guys would "tag-team" me every practice. Getting your butt kicked every day really made a difference at match time.
My Junior year, we had a lot of alumi come to practices. During one of our take-down drills, I landed on the left side of my neck and shoulder. I felt an immediate "electric" shock go from my neck all the way down to my left hand and thumb. I had no strength and could not move or feel my arm. The feeling that did come back was an intense burning sensation. My coach suggested I see a chiropractor for this. I had never been to one before, but I remember my younger brother had seen the "Firecracker" for a neck injury from pulling off a ski mask.
The injury happend on a Tuesday, and I was able to see the chiropractor on Wednesday. I received an examination, x-rays were taken, and the doctor rubbed some "smelly" ointment on my neck, shoulder and upper back. He adjusted my neck, back, hand, elbow and shoulder. I felt immediate relief. I could move my arm, the numbness and tingling was almost gone. The only thing that remained was the tingling in the tip of my left thumb. I saw him again on Friday and the thumb tingling was gone.
Now that weekend, we were to wrestle in the Valley City Tournament. I had a slow start to the year, barely over .500 and was not expected to do very well in this tournament. Going in unseeded, I pinned my first opponent (first seed) and my second opponent to move to the finals. After leading 6-2 in the finals, I made a mistake and got turned and was pinned. My coach, team and I were surprised and excited at the turn around I had.
It was at this point, knowing I wanted to get into a health care field, that I decided to become a doctor of chiropractic. It had helped me and now I get the chance to help a lot of other people.
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